We have a showroom/office entrance under the office sign. (see below right photo)
Our employees use the garage door to move wood in and out of the building with the fork truck.
*** Therefore, please do not use our garage door to initially enter our building unless instructed to back up to the door for your order pick up. Thank you***
Monday - Friday
7:00am - 11:59am
(Closed for Lunch 12p-1p)
1:00pm - 5:00pm
CLOSED Saturday & Sunday
& major national holidays
Red Grandis Mahogany sign installed on July 6th, 2021.
This sign was completed over the course of a year with work being done on it by several different employees of E&L a little at a time. There was no rush to have the sign completed by a certain date until the summer of 2021 as there was an aerial photo of the shop taken.
Shout outs/ recognition for the sign are as follows:
Jon pulled, sized & glued up the panels for signage. Ashley cnc routered and painted the sign. Marc pulled, sized and glued the posts, cap and tops. Austin, Ashley, Jamie and Marc all sprayed exterior spar urethane on parts of the sign over the course of a few months. Marc and Noah dug up the old sign and reposted, placed and put together the sign as it looks now in this photo.